# Armengol Lorand - [[daniel-armengol-altayo]] and [[jonathan-the-utopian]] ## [[2021-02-14]] - [[christopher alexander]] - [[reading alexander]] - [[ttwob]] is [[ideological]] / [[philosophical]] - [[apl]] is an [[implementation]] - [[armengol]] - first watched youtube video in [[palo alto]] about [[pattern languages]] in [[computing]] - [[fifteen principles]] (wikipedia) - shifting [[scales]] should be made without discontinuities/jumps. - [[twitter]]: small scale. a [[book]]: large scale. - how to translate ideas from [[book]] to [[tweet]]? - how did we meet? - [[jonathan]] and [[me]]: [[visakanv]] list of friends per city - [[daniel]] and [[me]]: in [[foam]]'s [[discord]] - "we met through the internet" - is this a [[common experience]]? - [[me]] common around the 2000s - [[irc]] - [[icq]] "happy that chatting" - [[livejournal]] - [[jonathan-the-utopian]] - not really - [[daniel-armengol-altayo]] - [[mathspace]] vs [[cyberspace]] - [[jonathan-the-utopian]] as of late, yes; would love to *make* something - interactions with technology are often frustrating though - [[daniel]] Q: which kinds of things would you like to build? - [[jonathan-the-utopian]] A: liked your sites btw :) - [[vewpoint]] - one minimal tool would like to have: take notes as a group - inclusivity: people shouldn't need to know [[git]] to onramp - [[daniel]] +1, we need people from outside the computer field - [[branch]] [[ampl]] - [[branch]] [[indieweb]] [[micropub]] - [[branch]] [[fedstoa]] - [[daniel]] how to connect both worlds? - "a system that allows itself to..." - *[[open question]]* - definition of [[protopia]] - requires [[ethics]] - [[core questions]] in [[mtr master konzept]] - [[jonathan-the-utopian]] this seems to be leading into vulnerability/psychological explorations - [[daniel]] is the key intent here to answer these questions for a small group or to develop a framework for other people? - both, but first the earlier :) - [[branch]] [[rational tarot]] - [[branch]] [[language games]] - [[branch]] [[wittgenstein]] - [[branch]] [[lyotard]] - [[branch]] update the [[proust questionnaire]]? - [[jonathan-the-utopian]]: what is your background? - [[daniel-armengol-altayo]] - [[computers]] + [[design]] -> [[multimedia engineering]] - [[branch]] [[merveilles]] looks like a good fit - [[multitouch tablet]] experiment led to [[5 years]] doing [[interactive installations]] - became more interested in how people behaved than in the actual content of the screens/the technology - moved to [[art]], stopped doing commercial work, [[moved to the woods]] - "i want to inspire others in the same way these people are inspiring me" - conversations with [[xavivives]], who is more technical, led to a [[bootcamp]] - [[branch]] [[feedback club]] - [[daniel-armengol-altayo]] back at ya - [[jonathan-the-utopian]] grew up in [[california]] - [[swiss]] and [[us]] citizen, moved to [[switzerland]] at [[18]] - decided to study [[physics]], then felt the need to understand [[mathematics]] first. - bachelors + masters in math - burned out after that, atmosphere at university wasn't great - took [[1 year]] off - interested in [[social processes]] - [[branch]] [[santa fe institute]] - finally started a [[phd]] until [[february 2020]] - was in [[buenos aires]], dance [[tango]] - decided not to do a [[postdoc]], wanted to leave [[academia]] - applied to a program in [[zhdk]]: [[transdisciplinary studies]] - supposed to be connected to [[mathematical background]] - [[dream]] [[art space]] / [[event space]] - [[branch]] [[wormhole]] - [[branch]] [[simcity]] - [[daniel-armengol-altayo]] curious that what society understand by [[artist]] is: a person that is free to do whatever they want. [[art]] is perceived as a [[playground]]. - personally don't want to use [[art]] as a [[goal]], but rather as a [[medium]] or [[means]] or [[channel]]. - [[experiments]] as [[play]] - [[branch]] [[carnival]] - I like working with [[concepts]] - [[art]] as a [[lens]] - can a [[business]] be a piece of [[art]]? - there's non-zero overlap - [[branch]] [[dao]] - [[push]] [[artistic entrepeneurship]] - == [[art business]] - [[danielle baskin]] - [[infrastructure]] we need - [[basic tools]] to share information in a better way - something close to a [[wiki]] - [[branch]] [[stoa]] - let's write [[user journeys]] and compare? - [[q]] what are our frustrations? - [[a]] [[jonathan-the-utopian]] would wish to have a place like discord/zulip, two level or arbitrary level tool - [[a]] [[digital space]] where we can write structured information - [[branch]] [[agora]] as a tool to get a [[communication instance]] with a given well defined [[context]] - [[armengolaltayo]] we need a [[representation]] of each [[entity]] in the context; an [[encoding]] or [[recording]] - [[possible projects]] - [[physical]] [[spaces]] connected through the internet - [[interactive fiction]] - [[conversation trees]] - [[daniel-armengol-altayo]] main focus is understanding how information processing happens - say someone sends a [[link]], like the danielle baskin website - depending on the format, it is more or less useful - [[context]] is very important - [[context]] for a conversation is the [[intersect]] between [[world models]] after [[transformations]] - you can use [[tools]] to [[augment]] certain capacities - [[spaces]] - [[armengolaltayo]] [[zettelkasten]] - each [[note]] has [[one idea]] - [[goals]] - [[decisions]] - [[root node]] - it is in [[protopoi]] - [[chat room]] - a [[place to write notes]]